Scheduling Q & A

Q & A Regarding the Scheduling Process:

What is the scheduling process?

Starting in February, students sit down with their school counselor to select courses for the following year. Juniors meet with their counselor first, followed by sophomores then the freshmen. Entering 9th graders meet with Mrs. Medvit, the Middle School Counselor.

Parents are invited to attend scheduling meetings with their children.  Information that is discussed includes career goals, four year plans, prerequisite courses, and graduation requirements.

How do students enroll in  Honors and/or Advanced Placement courses?

Students who are in Honors English in 8th grade will be recommended by their 8th grade English teacher to continue with Honors English. 

Students who meet the prerequisites for AP courses can enroll in these suject areas.  Certain AP courses have class size limits and/or grade requirements to enroll.  Please speak with your child's counselor to see if your child is eligible to take an AP or Honors level course.

Can students and families request a particular teacher or time period?

Generally, no.  Students sign up for courses, not teachers.  To maintain fairness and balance, sections are scheduled without preference and students are randomly assigned by the computer.

There are some exceptions.  If a student is repeating a course, we will attempt to place the student with a different teacher.  If a family has had a specific, documented negative history with a particular teacher, a change may be considered.  The principal must approve all requests within these two criteria.

When will I receive my schedule?

Students who will be new to the district, or who will be entering 9th grade for the first time, receive their schedules during the last week in August.  All other students receive their schedules on the first day of school in September

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