**Please stop into the Counseling Office to get scholarship applications as new ones come in regularly. Remember to listen to the announcements and check out the counseling office TV as scholarships are advertised. For any questions about applications, deadlines or other scholarship information, please see Mrs. Grenier or Mr. Waterman.**
2017-2018 SCHOOL YEAR
Copies of these scholarships are located in the Guidance Office in the Scholarship file cabinet for all students to access quickly. It is the responsibility of the student to listen to the announcements and to check the file for scholarships.
- The Elks National Foundation scholarship: this scholarship program has provided 150 years of service to our nation’s youth. Last year’s Most Valuable Student Scholarships had over 30,000 applicants, which was a 50% increase over the average of the past three years?
- The Most Valuable Student Scholarship and The Legacy Scholarships are available at http://www.elks.org/scholars/, deadline for these scholarships are November 27, 2017. Please have your student print off their finished application and submit it to the Boonville Elks Lodge. Any questions regarding the application process can be asked through the ENF Scholarship Office at [email protected] or 773-755-4732. You may also contact Dr. Amanda Alger Rice with any questions or concerns at [email protected] or 315-725-6871.
- The GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program: this scholarship program is eligible for high school seniors who demonstrate Leadership, Drive, Integrity and Citizenship. This scholarship is granted for up to $40,000 per scholar. Each year, 20 college-bound students who excel in the above criteria are eligible to receive $10,000 renewable scholarships up to $40,000 total per recipient. For more information and eligibility requirements, visit online at reaganfoundation.org/scholarships. An online application is available on that website. Deadline for this scholarship is January 4, 2018.
- The NHS Scholarship Program: this scholarship program is eligible for high school NHS seniors in good standing. All applications and procedures are available online and the deadline for this scholarship is January 30, 2018.
- The Varflex Educational Foundation II Scholarship Program: this competitive scholarship is for students about to enter, or already attending, college. In order to qualify for consideration, applicants must meet the following criteria: 1) be the son or daughter, or the legally adopted son or daughter, of an employee of the Varflex Corporation and be a candidate for high school graduation in June of 2018; 2) Or, if not the son or daughter, or the legally adopted son or daughter, of a Varflex employee, then be a candidate for high school graduation in June of 2018 from one of the following high schools; Adirondack Central School, Camden High School; New York State for the Deaf in Rome NY; Oriskany Central High School, Rome Free Academy, Verona-Vernon-Sherrill High School, and Westmoreland High School; 3) or either, 1) be the son or daughter or the legally adopted son or daughter of an employee of the Varflex Corporation, or 2) if not the son or daughter or the legally adopted son or daughter of a Varflex employee, be a graduate of one of the aforementioned high schools, and be currently enrolled and in good academic standing at an accredited college or university with every intention of continuing as an undergraduate at this, or at another, accredited post-secondary institution; 4) and have completed all application procedures and submitted all required materials on time. The Varflex Educational Foundation II makes the final selection of recipients. The committee will notify candidates of its decision on or about June 15, 2018. The criteria used by the Scholarship Committee are both academic excellence and financial need. Finalists may be required to schedule an interview with the Scholarship Committee. Deadline for this scholarship is April 20, 2018.
- The Gerard J. Buckenmeyer FASNY Volunteer Scholarship Program: this scholarship is for applicants that are a member in good standing with FASNY or have a parent/legal guardian who is a member. Attend high school as a senior who is enrolled in the fall 2018 school year at an accredited two or four year institution of higher learning or an accredited technical post-secondary school. Serve as a current Junior firefighter, Explorer Scout or RAM in a group affiliated with a volunteer department; a volunteer firefighter; or a volunteer with an EMS unit. Demonstrate a commitment to both volunteer emergency service and the community. Deadline for this scholarship is March 15, 2018.
The America’s Farmers Grow Ag Leaders program, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund:this scholarship is offering students an opportunity to earn a $1,500 scholarship in an ag-related field of study, helping to grow the next generation of ag leaders. Agriculture offers a variety of job opportunities in field such as science, technology, business, engineering and more. For more information, stop in to the guidance office. You can get all the program details at growagleaders.com or apply at ffa.org/scholarships. More than $500,000 in scholarships will be awarded with winners announced in April/May. Deadline for this scholarship is February 1, 2018.
The Ned Carter Memorial Scholarship: The Association of Fire Districts of the State of New York is pleased to announce this scholarship. These scholarships are named in honor of Past President Edward “Ned” Carter honoring all deceased past presidents of the Association. In keeping with Ned’s lifelong dedication to community service and helping others, this scholarship will be presented to high school seniors who will be pursuing a career in a community service related discipline. Deadline for this scholarship is February 24, 2018.
The New York Credit Union Association: This scholarship is for students that are a college bound high school senior who is a member in good standing of a participating New York credit union who meets the following criteria. Must be attending college for the first time in the Fall of 2018; will be enrolled in either a two or four year accredited educational institution and agrees to use any scholarship funds awarded by January 31, 2019 at an accredited educational institution only. Deadline for this scholarship is January 5, 2018.
- The Amy Bindelglass Memorial Scholarship; the scholarship was founded by the Center For Donation & Transplant (CDT) in memory of a two year old organ donor who lost her life in an automobile accident. Another young child was given a new chance at life because Amy’s family made the incredible decision to donate her organs.The memorial scholarship is available for all high school juniors or seniors who will write a well thought out, creative submission on the chosen topic. The winner will be awarded a $750.00 dollar scholarship. All information is available in the High School Guidance Office and deadline for this scholarship is March 30, 2018
- The Cristin Ann Bambino Scholarship; this scholarship is awarded on a regional basis with one statewide award. Seven regional winners will receive a $3,000 award, one second prize winner will receive $4,000 and one statewide winner will receive a $5,000 award. This scholarship is available to a special education student who is college bound. Deadline for this scholarship is April 4, 2018.
- The Paul Jensen Scholarship; this scholarship is awarded to two individuals on a statewide bases. The overall winner will receive a $5,000 award and the runner up will receive a $3,000award. This scholarship is available to a student who has excelled in design in his or her high school career. The goal of this scholarship is to reward a student who has shown interest and promise in design and who wishes to pursue this path in college. Deadline for this scholarship is April 4, 2018.
- The Joseph Goncalves Student Humanitarian Scholarship; this scholarship will be awarded to two individuals on a statewide basis. The overall winner will receive a $5,000 award and the runner up will receive a $3,000 award. This scholarship is available to a student who demonstrates an involvement and work for a cause or organization that promotes social justice, equal opportunity, relief of human suffering or other aspiration generally understood to be within the meaning of humanitarian activity throughout their high school career. Diversity is encouraged. Deadline for this scholarship is April 4, 2018.
The Thomas J. Krajci Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship is for a graduating high school senior and a New York State Resident pursuing a degree in a labor relations or criminal justice related field. Application and transcript deadline for this scholarship is May 1, 2018.
The Deputy Kurt Wyman Memorial Scholarship: This scholarship is for a graduating high school senior and an Oneida County Resident pursuing a degree in the criminal justice related field. Application and transcript deadline for this scholarship is May 1, 2018.
- The Zonta Club of Utica-Young Women in Public Affairs Scholarship: this scholarship is based on leadership in any social, policy making, government or volunteer organizations. Nominees must be young women between 16 and 19 years of age and enrolled in a secondary school. YWPA’s purpose is to encourage young women to participate in public and political life by recognizing their commitment to volunteerism and their leadership ability. The winner received $1,000 from the Zonta Club of Utica. The application will be sent on to both the District and International level for judging and possible additional monetary awards. Please note that the local winner will be required to submit a photo before her application can be submitted to the District level. Deadline for this scholarship is March 2, 2018.
- The Jean M. Coon Humanitarian Award: this scholarship is given for outstanding community service, Nominees must be a high school junior or senior and may be male or female. Academic achievement is not a factor. The local award is $1,000. The local winner’s application is forwarded to District for judging at that level. Deadline for this scholarship is March 2, 2018.
- The 2018 Armed Forces Communication & Electronics Association (AFCEA) Erie Canal Chapter & SRC/SRCTec Scholarship Program: this scholarship is awarded to assist deserving students in furthering their educational objectives. Their program of study must lead to a degree in any one of the various disciplines or specializes in Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The deadline for this scholarship is March 9, 2018.
- The CNY STEM Scholars Program: this scholarship is for students pursuing a degree in STEM (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics). Visit cnystem.com to learn more about these scholarships. Deadline is February 28, 2018.
- The Charles J. Love Unit 406 American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship: This scholarship award will be offered to a deserving graduating high school senior who exemplifies good citizenship. The student must plan to pursue a degree above high school level to attend a two or four year college. Applicant must be a son, daughter, granddaughter or grandson of a member in good standing of the Charles J. Love American Legion Post 406, Auxiliary or SAL.; must have their guidance office submit an official high school transcript to the American Legion Scholarship Committee; must prepare a 200 word or less statement summarizing his/her vocational or professional goals; a current dated and signed one page letter of recommendation from a person in authority from the high school attended by the applicant, covering the applicant’s ability, work habits, leadership, personality, integrity and citizenship must accompany the application; and applicant must be a citizen of the United States. Deadline for this scholarship is March 1, 2018.
The Molly Pitcher Lewis Memorial Scholarship is available for high school seniors living in Lewis County or an immediate family member of a Lewis County Hospital Employee. Applicants must matriculate into a college curriculum leading to a career in healthcare. Applicants are eligible to reapply for the scholarship each year they remain in college. Deadline for this scholarship is April 1, 2018.
The Central New York Kennel Club, Inc. is available for high school seniors and juniors who reside in Herkimer, Oneida or Madison County. The is scholarship is available for those who volunteer at shelters, humane societies or veterinary offices. For those who are active in 4H program, work at animal related businesses or experience in showing, performance, conformation event, and/or train dogs. Deadline for this is March 30, 2018.
Price Chopper and Market 32 Supermarkets is pleased to announce the commencement of the 2018 Corporate Scholarship Program. The Community Advantage Scholarship and the Entrepreneurial Advantage Scholarship which are offered specifically to graduating high school seniors, who reside in a Price Chopper or Market 32 marketing area. They are also announcing for the first time, the new Ability Advantage Scholarship, presented specifically to people with disabilities. Please stop into the guidance office for more information .
The New York State Association of Agricultural Fairs and New York State Showpoeple’s Association has a scholarship available to high school and college students who have been active in their local fairs or outdoor amusement business and who intend to pursue or who are pursuing a degree. The deadline for this scholarship is April 2, 2018.
- The Utica Roadrunners Scholarship is available for an outstanding male and female applicant. Minimum qualifications the Scholarship board will consider include the applicant’s running achievements, academic achievements and extracurricular activities. The $500.00 scholarships are a one-time award to be used for tuition, fees, or residential costs at an accredited college or university. Runners who have received a full ride scholarship are not eligible for this scholarship. Deadline for this scholarship is May 11, 2018.
The Adirondack League Club has a scholarship available to all graduating seniors. To see if you qualify, please stop into the guidance office for more information.
The Believe 271 Foundation in partnership with the New York State Tool Company have launched a new scholarship program benefiting family members of volunteer firefighters and ladies auxiliary members. The Believe 271 Scholarship, created in memory of Gregory Wilsey, founder of NYST, has been designed to benefit those residing in Oneida and Herkimer counties who have been affected by Cancer. See the guidance office for more information.
The New York State Association of Agricultural Fairs and Showpeople’s Association Scholarship is available for those high school and college students who have been active in their local fairs or outdoor amusement business and who intend to pursue or who are pursuing a degree. Up to seven (7) $1,000 scholarships may be awarded in 2018. Information is available at www.nyfairs.org. The deadline is the 2ndFriday in April.
The Northern New York Community Foundation Scholarships are available on the website www.nnycf.org under the scholarships tab. A complete listing of all scholarship offered by the Foundation are available under the Scholarships available tab. All applications must be returned to our office, or postmarked by April 15, 2018.
The Charles A. Strom Engineering Award is available for those graduating seniors who demonstrate outstanding talent in science, technology, engineering and math. Those applying must live in Oneida County and enrolling in a related field of electronic, electrical and computer engineering or engineering technology. Stop into the guidance office for more information.
The Charles W. Chambers Memorial Scholarship is available in the guidance office. This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who will enter a college in the fall immediately after graduation and attend for at least a year; demonstrate good citizenship in the school and community; works cooperatively with others in a spirit of service to the school and community and volunteers his/her time for the good of the school and community without desiring material gain or recognition. Deadline for this scholarship is due to the guidance office by May 1st.
The Raymond Kramer Memorial Scholarship is available to a graduating senior entering a 2 or 4 year post-secondary school who best exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism and community spirit. Candidate must submit a letter of interest along with a summary of community service participation during their four years of high school. This should be typed and include the student activity sheet with the letter. Deadline for this scholarship is due to the guidance office by May 1st.
- The Carmel Gleisner Memorial Scholarship is available in the guidance office. This scholarship is open to any applicant who is a child or grandchild of a school transportation department personnel working in Jefferson or Lewis County.The applicant must be a senior who intends to extend his or her education or training beyond high school. The application must be received to the scholarship committee by May 31, 2018 to be eligible for consideration.
Check out these websites for even MORE scholarship opportunities!
www.fastweb.com: 400,000 scholarships available to check out.